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Onsite courses will be Virtual during COVID

Format: OnSite (In-person) | Virtual (Synchronous / Live) | OnDemand (Asynchronous / Self-study)

Virtual courses are LIVE and recognized as Onsite

Download & Submit Registration Form or Register Online

Addiction Counseling Competencies

This course presents a series of 4 courses (3CEH), based on TAP 21, denoting the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to practice of addiction counseling.


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Virtual / OnDemand

Addiction   Process/Cause/Treatment

(3 CEH)

This courses reviews the process of addiction; summarizes prevailing concepts of causality; and a synopsis of major treatment modalities as described in TAP 11.

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Screening & Assessment

(3 CEH)

This course underscores the purpose of addiction screening and assessment, highlights methods and reviews several assessment instruments.

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The Brain & Impulsive Behavior 
(3 CEH)

This course explores components of the nervous system with primary focus on the brain’s relationship with other systems that influence impulsive behavior in disorders (ADHD, Autism, Bipolar, Conduct, Oppositional Defiant Disorders, and more . . .)

Common Childhood Disorders

Common Adults Disorders 

(3 CEH each)

Both feature the most common disorders based on US prevalence rates, potential causes, signs / symptom, DSM-V diagnostic criteria, and treatment interventions.

Ethical Codes / Decision Making / Dilemmas
(3 CEH)

This course presents ethics dilemmas and questions encountered by mental health clinicians and offers suggestions for preventing and resolving ethical predicaments. Case studies illustrate how ethical guidelines apply to specific situations and more.

Evolution of Forensic Mental Health Services

(3 CEH)

This course reviews the development of forensic mental health services; and considers aspects of the legal system, criminality, and clinical services.

HIPAA / HiTech

(3 CEH)

This course features HIPAA and HiTech Act regulations relative to the practice of mental health, Covered Entities responsibilities, and protected health information.

National Counselors Exam Prep

(30 CEH / 4 Week)

This 4-week course (2 nights per/week) presents an in-depth review of CACREP 8 content areas, work behaviors, and information essential for the practice of mental health counseling and successful passage of the NCE or NCMHCE.

Overview of LPC Regulations 

(3 CEH each)

This course presents an overview of Louisiana Professional and Occupational Standards governing the practice of mental health counseling.

Clinical Supervision 

(30 CEH / 45CEH)

This course reviews ACES’ best practices guidelines for clinical supervision.  These practical guiding principles augment and support the practice of supervision; and offer ethical and legal safeguards for supervisors, supervisees, and clients.

Clinical Supervision Renewal

(3 CEH)

This course reviews ACES’ best practices guidelines for clinical supervision.  These practical guiding principles augment and support the practice of supervision; and offer ethical and legal safeguards for supervisors, supervisees, and clients.

Telehealth: Synopsis

3, 6. 9 CEH Availability

This course defines standards for mental health services via telecommunication underscoring the following topics and includes a Pre- and Post-Assignments.

Theoretical Models of Psychotherapy

(3 CEH)

This course features various psychotherapy models, techniques and approaches designed to expand understanding of behaviors, emotions, and thoughts that contribute to mental illness, and solutions to modify or overcome them.


Treatment Planning 

(3 CEH)

This course reviews aspects of treatment planning presenting 5 Case Scenarios. Participants will select 2, determine diagnosis, goals, and treatment interventions.

Asynchronous / OnDemand / Anytime
Continuing Education Courses
eneral Registration: $70 Per Course

Asynchronous / OnDemand refers to Audiovisual Home Study Program wherein participants independently review recorded course materials anytime without instructor interaction.


  • Opioid Addiction Counseling Competencies Module 1: History & Epidemiology (3 CEH)

  • Opioid Addiction Counseling Competencies Module 2: Screening & Assessment (3 CEH) 

  • Opioid Addiction Counseling Competencies Module 3: Treatment (3 CEH) 

  • Opioid Addiction Counseling Competencies Module 4: Ethical & Legal Standards (3 CEH)

  • American Counseling Association Code of Ethic (3 CEH) 

  • Best Practices In Supervision (3 CEH)

  • The Brain & Impulsive Behavior (3 CEH)

  • Common Adult Disorders (3 CEH)

  • Common Childhood Disorders (3 CEH)

  • Ethical Cases & Standards (3 CEH)

  • Synopsis of Forensic Psychology (3 CEH)

  • HIPAA / HiTech & Mental Health (3 CEH)

  • Overview of Louisiana LPC Regulations (3 CEH)

  • Telehealth: Comprehensive Synopsis (3 / 6 / 9 CEH)

  • Treatment Planning (3 CEH)


 $15 on Pre-Registration  & Enrolling in 2 or more courses 

GENERAL STATEMENT: Eclectic Cognitive Behavioral Center has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6652.  Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified.  Eclectic Cognitive Behavioral Center is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. 



Eclectic Cognitive Behavioral Center

1733 Wooddale Blvd

Baton Rouge, LA 70806

Phone / Fax: 225-924-2800



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